

1. Henry MUENCH was born 1740. He died 1805 in Franklin Co., PA. Henry married Catherine REITH, daughter of John George REITH and Catherine Eizabetha
ZELLER, on 16 Dec 1765 in Heidelberg/Tulpe, Berks Co., PA. Catherine was born about 1743

They had the following Children

2M i. Johannes (John) MINNICK was born 2 Feb 1772 in Franklin Co., PA. He died 7 Dec 1848 in Bowerstown, Harrison Co., OH and was buried in Longview Cem., Harrison Co.. OH. Johannes married (1) Catherine GOW on 17 Aug 1803 in Washington Co., MD. Catherine was born 6 Jan 1779 in MD. She died 8 Nov 1845 in Bowerstown, Harrison Co. OH. Johannes also married (2) Anna Maria BOWER, daughter of Conrad BOWER and Marie Eva BOWER, about 1797 in Frederick or Was, MD. Anna was born 1 Nov 1770 in Frederick Co., MD. She died about 1802 in Washington Co., MD.
3M ii. Phillip MINNICK was born 4 Sep 1774 in York Co., PA. He died 4 Sep 1824 in New Philadelphia, Tuscara was Co., OH. Phillip married Salome Sarah KNISELY, daughter of John KNISELY and Mary MILLER,. Salome was born 16 Nov 1780 in PA. She died 16 Nov 1820 in New
Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Co., OH.
4F iii. Catherine MINNICK was born 2 Mar 1775 in Lebanon Co., PA. Catherine married John Adam SCHNIEDER on 15 Nov 1791 in Washington Co., MD.
5F iv. Christina MUENCH was born 4 Apr 1777.
6F v. Mary Elizabeth "Betsy" MINNICK.
7F vi. Martha MINNICK.
8F vii. Barbara MINNICK.
9F viii. Mary MINNICK.
10M ix. Henery MINNICK

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